Crate hollywood

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Hollywood is an actor framework for Rust.

Actors are stateful entities that communicate with each other by sending messages. An actor actor receives streams of messages through its inbound channels, processes them and sends messages to other actors through its outbound channels. Actors are either stateless so that its outbound streams are a pure function of its inbound streams, or have an internal state which is updated by incoming messages and may influences the content of its outbound messages.

Actors are arranged in a compute pipeline (or a directed acyclic graph to be more precise). The first layer of the graph consists of a set of one or more source actors whose outbound streams are fed by an external resource. A typical example of a source actors, include sensor drivers, or log file readers. Terminal notes in the pipeline are actors which have either no outbound channels or which outbound channels are not connected. Terminal actors are often sink notes which feed data to an external resource. Example of a sink actor are robot manipulators, log file writer or visualization components.

§Module Overview

The library is organized in the following modules:

  • The core module contains the core structs and traits of the library. Actor is a generic struct that represents an actor. IsInboundHub is the trait which represents the collection of inbound channels of an actor. Similarly, IsOutboundHub is the trait which represents the collection of outbound channels of an actor.

    Most importantly, HasOnMessage is the main entry point for user code and sets the behavior of a user-defines actor. HasOnMessage::on_message() processes incoming messages, updates the actor’s state and sends messages to downstream actors in the pipeline.

  • The macros module contains the three macros that are used to define an actors with minimal boilerplate.

  • The compute module contains the Hollywood context and Pipeline which are used to configure a set of actors, connect them into a graph and to execute flow.

  • The actors module contains a set of predefined actors that can be used as part of a compute pipelines.

  • The introspect module contains a some visualization tools to inspect the compute pipeline.

  • The example_actors module contains a set of examples actors that demonstrate how to use the library.

§Example: moving average

We will show how to implement a moving average actor that computes the moving average of a stream of numbers. The complete code for this example can be found in the [examples/].

§Outbound hub

First we define the outbound hub of the actor:

pub struct MovingAverageOutbound {
    /// Running average of the input stream.
    pub average: OutboundChannel<f64>,

It contains of a single outbound channels, to send the calculated average to the outside world.

§Properties and state

Next we define the immutable properties and the internal state of the actor:

/// Properties the MovingAverage actor.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MovingAverageProp {
    /// alpha value for the moving average
    pub alpha: f64,

impl Default for MovingAverageProp {
    fn default() -> Self {
        MovingAverageProp {
            alpha: 0.5,

/// State of the MovingAverage actor.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct MovingAverageState {
    /// current moving average
    pub moving_average: f64,

Properties can be understood as the configuration of the actor which are specified when the actor is created. The state is the internal state of the actor that is updated when the actor receives messages. Default implementations for the state define the initial state of the actor. Note that MovingAverageState implements Default trait through the derive macro, and hence moving_average is initialized to 0.0 which is the default value for f64. An explicit implementation of the Default trait can be used to set the values of member fields as done for the example_actors::moving_average::MovingAverageProp struct here.

§Inbound hub

Next we define the inbound hub of the actor. The inbound MovingAverageMessage enum contains a single variant that carries a float actor_inputs macro generates the inbound hub struct which contains a single inbound channel.

/// Inbound message for the MovingAverage actor.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[actor_inputs(MovingAverageInbound, {MovingAverageProp,
pub enum MovingAverageMessage {
    /// a float value

impl HasOnMessage for MovingAverageMessage {
    /// Process the inbound time-stamp message.
    fn on_message(
        prop: &Self::Prop,
        state: &mut Self::State,
        outbound: &Self::Outbound,
        _request: &Self::RequestHub)
        match &self {
            MovingAverageMessage::Value(new_value) => {
                state.moving_average =
                    (prop.alpha * new_value) + (1.0 - prop.alpha) * state.moving_average;
                if new_value > &prop.timeout {

impl IsInboundMessageNew<f64> for MovingAverageMessage {
    fn new(_inbound_name: String, msg: f64) -> Self {

The moving average is calculated from the stream of values received on this channel. HasOnMessage trait implementation the actual business logic of the actor is implemented.

§The actor

Finally we define the actor itself:

/// The MovingAverage actor.
type MovingAverage = Actor<

§Configure and execute the pipeline

In order to make use of the actor we need to send messages to its inbound hub and process the messages received on its outbound hub.

To do so, we will make use of two predefined actors. The Periodic actor is and vector without any input channels. It produces a stream of timestamps at a given interval and publishes them through its time_stamp outbound channel.

The Printer actor is a sink actor. It prints the messages it receives on its only inbound channel to the console.

Now we can provide the code snippets to configure and execute the compute pipeline:

let pipeline = Hollywood::configure(&mut |context| {
    let mut timer = Periodic::new_with_period(context, 1.0);
    let mut moving_average = MovingAverage::from_prop_and_state(
        MovingAverageProp {
            alpha: 0.3,
    let mut time_printer = Printer::<f64>::from_prop_and_state(
        PrinterProp {
            topic: "time".to_string(),
    let mut average_printer = Printer::<f64>::from_prop_and_state(
        PrinterProp {
            topic: "average".to_string(),
        .connect(context, &mut moving_average.inbound.value);
        .connect(context, &mut time_printer.inbound.printable);
        .connect(context, &mut average_printer.inbound.printable);

The Pipeline::print_flow_graph()method prints the topology of the compute pipeline to the console.

*   Periodic_0   *                                     
|   time_stamp   |                                     
        ⡇        ⠉⠉⠑⠒⠢⠤⠤⣀⣀                             
        ⠁                 ⠁                            
|     Value      |                  |   Printable    |
*MovingAverage_0 *                  *Printer(time)_0 *
|    average     |                   
|   Printable    |                                     

Let’s interpret the print. The outbound channel of the Periodic actor is connected to the inbound channel of the MovingAverage actor and the inbound channel of the Printer(time) actor. Furthermore, the outbound channel of the MovingAverage actor is connected to the inbound channel of the Printer(average) actor.

§Pipeline topology and channel connections

The compute pipeline is a acyclic directed graph (DAG). Coarsely, we introduced the topology of the graph by a set of actors and the connections between them. In a more detailed view, the graph consists of three types of nodes: a set of actors, a set of inbound channels and a set of outbound channels. Each inbound channel and outbound channel is associated with exactly one actor. Sometimes we refer to an actor and its associated inbound/outbound channels as a super node. Futhermore, there are three types of edges in the graph: a set of static edges which link the concrete inbound channels to its actor, a set of static edges which link an actor to its outbound channels, as well as a set of dynamic edges which connect the outbound channel of one actor to a compatible inbound channel of another actor downstream.

These channel connections are configured at runtime using OutboundChannel::connect() during the pipeline configuration step. In the simple example above, we had a 1:2 and a 1:1 connection: The process_time_stamp outbound channel of the Periodic actor was connected to two inbound channels. The average outbound channel of the MovingAverage actor was connected to one inbound channel. In general, channel connections are n:m. Each outbound channel can be connected to zero, one or more inbound channels. Similarly, each inbound channel can be connected to zero, one or more outbound channels. If an outbound channel is connected to multiple inbound channels, the messages are broadcasted to all connected inbound channels. This is the main reason why IsInboundMessage must be Clone.

The types of connected outbound channels must match the type of the connected inbound channel. An inbound channel is uniquely identified by a variant of the IsInboundMessage enum. Messages received from connected outbound channels are merged into a single stream and processed in the corresponding match arm (for that variant) within the HasOnMessage::on_message() method in a uniform manner, regardless of the outbound channel (and actor) the message originated from.



  • Library of actors.
  • The compute context and compute graph.
  • The core framework concepts such as actors, state, inbound, outbound and runners. Core of hollywood actor framework.
  • Library of actors. Examples of hollywood actor framework.
  • Introspection
  • Convenience macros for hollywood to define new actor types.
  • The prelude module contains the most important traits and structs of the library.